Matured 30 months


Latteria Due Madonne “makes” its cheese using the milk produced on its farms close to the diary. This short supply chain ensures all its products are 100% traceable. As you bite into a piece of Parmigano-Reggano Due Madonne, you can savour the disinctive aroma and mellow flavour that are the hallmarks of a completely natural cheese.This is because our cows enjoy a rare privilege: a seasonal diet based on hay, cereals and - from spring onwards – fresh grass. It is the variety of this diet that enhances the nutritional and organoleptic characterisics of the milk, and thus of the Parmigiano-Reggiano made from it. To guarantee this outsanding flavour and nutritional value.

1 = 17,90 €
Total * 17,90
*PLEASE NOTE, THE PRICE IS INDICATIVE: For this reason, the exact amount will be specified via e-mail following weighing.

A few years ago, the Dairy Due Madonne undertook a quality project which, by activating completely free from OGM supply chains even in animal feed, ensures that the cheese is free from OGM.

The objective of the project was to create a truly special Parmesan Cheese DOP that brings with it a guarantee of quality and safety, for the environment and for consumers.

100% NATURAL Parmesan Cheese is naturally lactose free*.

*the absence of lactose is the natural consequence of the typical process of obtaining Parmesan Cheese. It contains less than 0,01g/100g of galactose.

We recommend storing Parmesan Cheese in a vacuum in the refrigerator or in a cool place.
It can be exposed, for short periods, at room temperature without being damaged, but it is preferable to store it in a refrigerated environment in order to preserve its aromatic characteristics (between 2° C and 8°C).
If you notice, especially during the summer period, that the cheese has oozed because of the heat inside the vacuum, it is better to put it in the fridge before opening the package: it will be easier once it has cooled down to remove any oily patina with a paper towel.
Once extracted from the vacuum, the cheese should be stored in the refrigerator wrapped in the appropriate greaseproof paper for food or in hermetic glass/plastic containers, possibly not in contact with other foods and at an optimal humidity level.
It is recommended not to freeze Parmesan Cheese.